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Tuesday 10 August 2010

Acceptance Testing

After playing around with Cucumber/ Cuke4Nuke and Specflow.. turns out cucumber is the winner for me.. Cuke4Nuke took me a while to get going and seems considerably slow and is behind cucumber by some distance..

Specflow is alright however the idea of using attributes to match my step definitions is what i didn't like.. integration with VS and being able to use the NUnit test runner are clear winners.. the entry barrier to this is pretty much minimal.

Well as for Cucumber/ Ruby / WATIR, the idea of using RubyMine to write my tests and debug them in the same doesn't make me miss VS integration and debugging.. I don't think i particularly miss writing my tests in different languages.. well i never do so why bother… The choice of gems available for Ruby and dynamic nature of ruby is something that makes the effort rewarding .. Build integration using a Rake runner is easy not much effort either..One other reason is may be because i use this at work .. there is yet one more to be looked at which is the WebDriver API for Selenium 2.0. ..

I took some time to play around with these since I don’t like skimming through the surface ..

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