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Wednesday 9 July 2008

Data Modelling Jazz

When we often think of data modelling it is a pretty picture created in Visio and for the some one more serious about data modelling it is representing entities, attributes and relationships in a meaningful manner. I didn’t realise modelling languages are different and a tool such as Visio supports/ works on such languages. e.g IDEFIX(Integration Definition for Information Modelling) is modelling language .. Woah that definition really woke me up .. and as usual this was developed in the US Airforce in 1985

The primary tool of a database designer is the data model. It’s such a great tool because it can show the details not only of single tables at a time, but the relationships between several
entities at a time. Of course it is not the only way to document a database;

• Often a product that features a database as the central focus will include a document that lists all tables, data types, and relationships. (developers think can’t be bothered)
• Every good DBA has a script of the database saved somewhere for re-creating the database. (developers think am still not bothered)
• SQL Server’s metadata includes ways to add properties to the database to describe the objects. (developers by now would think oh get a life will you).

Some common terms you would come across are Entities which are synonymous to tables in database, attributes which are synonymous to column definitions in a table and relationships represent how two entities relate to each other.  We represent these pictorially or grammatically in written text Anyway my idea of blogging about Data Modelling was to drop a few notes on some practices we could adopt while modelling data.

  • Entity names There are two ways you can go about these: plural or singular. Some argue tables names should be singular , but many feel that the table name refers to the set of rows and should be plural. Whatever convention you choose be consistent with it, mixing and matching could end up confusing the person reading the data model.
  • Attribute names: It’s generally not necessary to repeat the entity name in the attribute name, except for the primary key. The entity name is implied by the attribute’s inclusion in the entity. The chosen attribute name should reflect precisely what is contained in the attribute and how it relates to the entity.
  • Relationships: Name relationships with verb phrases, which make the relationship between a parent and child entity a readable sentence. The sentence expresses the
    relationship using the entity names and the relationship cardinality. The relationship sentence is a very powerful tool for communicating the purpose of the relationships with non technical members of the project team (e.g., customer representatives.
  • Domains: Define domains for your attributes, implementing type inheritance wherever possible to take advantage of domains that are similar. Using domains gives you a set of standard templates to use when building databases that ensures consistency across your database.
  • Objects: Define every object so it is clear what you had in mind when you created a given object. This is a tremendously valuable practice to get into, as it will pay off later when questions are asked about the objects, and it will serve as documentation to provide to other programmers and/or users.

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